

Building a Game Management System

Client operates a big online casino in Europe and America


Our customer, a leading online casino operator, they are looking for an efficient and scalable solution to manage their diverse portfolio of games from multiple providers.

They needed a robust system that could handle game uploads, provider mappings, and configurations.

Key points to consider:


Manual Game Management: The existing system required manual updates for game details, making it time-consuming and error-prone.

Provider Coordination: Mapping games to the correct providers and ensuring accurate launch configurations were complex tasks.

Scalability Issues: As the number of games and providers grew, the system struggled to maintain performance and organization.

User Experience: The admin interface lacked intuitive design, leading to inefficiencies in game management and deployment.

Solution Phase 1: MVP with FAB Builder

Phase 1: MVP Development Using FAB Builder, we developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) focusing on core functionalities:

  1. Game Management:
  • Admins can upload game icons and set the order of games.
  • Add and update game details including description, volatility, min-max bet size, and RTP.
  1. Provider Mapping:
  • Maintain a map of games with their respective providers and aggregators.
  • Fetch and apply launch configurations for each game based on the provider.

Solution Phase 2: Extended Admin Portal

Expanding on the MVP, the final solution included:

  1. Enhanced Game Management:
  • Comprehensive CRUD operations for game details.
  • Advanced search and filtering options.
  • Batch uploads for efficient management.
  1. Provider and Aggregator Management:
  • Detailed CRUD operations for providers and aggregators.
  • Visual representation of game-provider associations.
  1. User Authentication and Roles:
  • Secure admin login and session management.
  • Role-based access control for enhanced security.
  1. Analytics and Reporting:
  • Detailed analytics on game performance and player engagement.
  • Customizable reporting features.
  1. Audit Logs:
  • Track and review changes made by admin users.
  • Historical view of modifications with timestamps and user details.
  1. Multilingual Support:
  • Interface and game descriptions available in multiple languages to cater to a global audience.
  1. Mobile Compatibility:
  • Responsive design ensuring a seamless experience on mobile devices.

Implementation Details

Entity Modeling: Defined comprehensive models for games, providers, and aggregators.

Code Generation: Utilized FAB Builder to generate the necessary code for frontend, backend, and mobile applications.

Integration: Seamlessly integrated the generated code with the existing casino lobby platform.

Testing and Deployment: Conducted thorough testing to ensure functionality and performance before deployment.


Increased Efficiency: Automated game management processes reduced manual efforts and errors.

Scalability: The system now supports a growing number of games and providers without performance degradation.

Enhanced User Experience: Intuitive admin interface and responsive design improved overall user satisfaction.

Improved Analytics: Real-time analytics and reporting provided valuable insights for strategic decisions.

Global Reach: Multilingual support expanded the customer base, attracting players from different regions.

Customer Feedback

"Our collaboration with FAB Builder has transformed our game management process. The new system is not only efficient and scalable but also user-friendly. We can now manage our games and providers with ease, and the analytics features have provided us with insights that were previously unattainable. FAB Builder has been a game-changer for our operations."




I love finding patterns and concluding insights out of it. After working as Employee, a Consultant, a Freelancer I figured out mostly we start our project or a module or microservice either by copying an existing code or base repositories from GitHub lets say. And then spend a lot of time on customising it, analysing pitfalls, making it work so that I can start wrinting business logic for the work. So, I started POC-ing FAB Builder so that I get a trailered project targetted to my requirements and on which I can start wrinting business logic within few mins. This makes my life easy and my clients get a better quality products which are easy to modify and easy to maintain.
