To integrate Stripe Payments for subscription plans, you can follow these general steps to set up the integration and manage recurring billing. Here’s a simple overview:
### 1. **Create a Stripe Account**
* If you don’t already have one, sign up on the [Stripe website](
* After signing in, you'll need to set up your business and billing details to start using Stripe.
### 2. **Install Stripe SDK**
* Depending on your backend language (Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.), install the Stripe SDK to your project.
For **Node.js**, run:
npm install stripe
### 3. **Set Up Stripe API Keys**
* In your Stripe dashboard, find your **API keys** under **Developers > API keys**.
* Use the **Publishable key** on the front end and the **Secret key** on the back end.
### 4. **Create Subscription Plans in Stripe**
* Go to **Billing > Products** in your Stripe Dashboard.
* Create a new **product** and set up pricing options (monthly, yearly, etc.) that will be offered to customers.
### 5. **Build the Checkout Page**
* On the frontend, integrate Stripe’s **Checkout** to create a subscription process.
Example of creating a checkout session with **Stripe.js**:
### 6. **Create Checkout Session on the Server**
* On the server-side, you’ll create a checkout session to handle the customer’s payment. Here’s an example using **Node.js**:
const stripe = require('stripe')('your-secret-key-here');'/create-checkout-session', async (req, res) => {
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
payment_method_types: ['card'],
line_items: [
price_data: {
currency: 'usd',
product_data: {
name: 'Subscription Plan',
unit_amount: 1000, // $10.00
quantity: 1,
mode: 'subscription',
success_url: '',
cancel_url: '',
res.json({ id: });
### 7. **Handle Webhooks for Subscription Events**
* Set up **webhooks** to receive notifications when the subscription status changes, such as successful payments, cancellations, or failures.
* Register your webhook URL in the Stripe dashboard under **Developers > Webhooks**.
Example of handling a webhook:
const endpointSecret = 'your-webhook-secret';
const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature'];
try {
const event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(req.body, sig, endpointSecret);
switch (event.type) {
case 'invoice.payment_succeeded':
// Handle successful payment
case 'invoice.payment_failed':
// Handle failed payment
// Add more event types as needed
res.json({ received: true });
} catch (err) {
console.error('Webhook error:', err);
res.status(400).send('Webhook error');
### 8. **Manage Customer Subscriptions**
* You can use Stripe’s dashboard or API to manage subscriptions, such as upgrading, downgrading, or canceling the subscription.
### 9. **Display Subscription Details to Customers**
* After the customer subscribes, use the **Stripe API** to fetch the subscription details and display it on their profile or dashboard.
By following these steps, you'll be able to integrate Stripe Payments with subscription plans in your system.