**Step 1:** Create GCP project and enable services for Cloud Run 1. Cloud Build API ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/gcp-cr-servuce.png) 2\. Cloud Run API ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/gcp-rr-servuce.png) **Step 2:** Create service account on the GCP project * Create Account from **IAM & Admin** > **Service Account** ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/service%20account%20email.png) * Grant Permissions ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/service%20account%20permissions.png) * Generate KEY * Download Key as json file **Step 3:** Update workflow of GitHub action * Add Action Secret in the repo 1. GCP\_PROJECT ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/action%20secret%20project%20name.png) 2\. GCP\_APPLICATION - Name of the service you want ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/action%20secret%20application%20name.png) 3\. GCP\_EMAIL 4\. GCP\_CREDENTIALS * a. Open the Service Account JSON key in VS code * b. select - all (ctrl +a / cmd + a) * c. Execute Global Command (ctrl + shift + p / cmd + shift + p) -> "Join Lines" ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/vs%20join%20lines.png) Add to GitHub action secret as ![](https://assets.tina.io/46ec08cf-0f02-4b2b-9ab7-081512548481/gh%20secrests%20credentials.png) * Create custom workflow in GitHub action * Set the Scripts according branch you want to configure deployment for name: cloudrun-deploy on: push: branches: \- main jobs: setup-build-publish-deploy: name: Setup, Build, Publish, and Deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: \- name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@master *# Setup gcloud CLI* \- uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0.6.0 with: service\_account\_email: ${{ secrets.GCP\_EMAIL }} service\_account\_key: ${{ secrets.GCP\_CREDENTIALS }} export\_default\_credentials: true *# Configure Docker with Credentials* \- name: Configure Docker run: | gcloud auth configure-docker *# Build the Docker image* \- name: Build & Publish run: | gcloud config set project ${{ secrets.GCP\_PROJECT }} gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/${{ secrets.GCP\_PROJECT }}/${{ secrets.GCP\_APPLICATION }} gcloud config set run/region us-central1 *# Deploy the Docker image to the GKE cluster* \- name: Deploy run: | gcloud run deploy ${{ secrets.GCP\_APPLICATION }} --image gcr.io/${{ secrets.GCP\_PROJECT }}/${{ secrets.GCP\_APPLICATION }} \\ \--platform managed \\ \--allow-unauthenticated \\ \--memory=1Gi \\ \--region asia-south2 Commit the file Push changes and wait for few sconds. You can navigate to actions and observe action is in progress. take a look at the execution to make sure it won't break. on successful completion you can see your service is running on GCP cloud run. You can now use the URL to call the service

Ishaan Puniani

-Written by

I love finding patterns and concluding insights out of it. After working as Employee, a Consultant, a Freelancer I figured out mostly we start our project or a module or microservice either by copying an existing code or base repositories from GitHub lets say. And then spend a lot of time on customising it, analysing pitfalls, making it work so that I can start writing business logic for the work. So, I started POC-ing FAB Builder so that I get a trailered project targetted to my requirements and on which I can start writing business logic within few mins. This makes my life easy and my clients get a better quality products which are easy to modify and easy to maintain.