To use Google Cloud Storage, change the FILE\_STORAGE\_PROVIDER variable fo the backend/.env file to use gcp. FILE\_STORAGE\_PROVIDER = "gcp" Go to []( and create an account.Create a new project for the development environment.Go to Storage > Browser and create a new Bucket.Save the bucket name on the FILE\_STORAGE\_BUCKET variable. The value must be your bucket-name. In the example of this image, it will be ****. FILE\_STORAGE\_BUCKET = "" #### The service key Now our app needs a service key to be able to access the bucket.Create a service account key that has permission to manage Google Cloud Storage buckets. Follow this: [\_service\_account\_keys]( After you download the JSON file, you will see that it looks like this: ```js { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...", "private_key": "...", "client_email": "...", "client_id": "...", "auth_uri": "...", "token_uri": "...", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...", "client_x509_cert_url": "..." } ``` Now we must place this entire file into a single environment variable.If you use VSCode, you can use the join lines command.Now place this line on theGOOGLE\_CLOUD\_PLATFORM\_CREDENTIALS variable. GOOGLE\_CLOUD\_PLATFORM\_CREDENTIALS = { "type": "service\_account", "project\_id": "...", "private\_key\_id": "...", "private\_key": "...", "client\_email": "...", "client\_id": "...", "auth\_uri": "...", "token\_uri": "...", "auth\_provider\_x509\_cert\_url": "...", "client\_x509\_cert\_url": "..." } #### CORS Install the []( in to your account by calling gcloud auth login . Create a gcp-cors.json file on the same folder that you are at the command line ```js [{ "maxAgeSeconds": 3600, "method": ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT"], "origin": ["*"], "responseHeader": ["Content-Type", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] }] ``` Run this script. Make sure you replace the your-bucket-name by the bucket you created! gsutil cors set gcp-cors.json gs://your-bucket-name Done! You are now ready to use the Google Cloud File storage on your project.

Ishaan Puniani

-Written by

I love finding patterns and concluding insights out of it. After working as Employee, a Consultant, a Freelancer I figured out mostly we start our project or a module or microservice either by copying an existing code or base repositories from GitHub lets say. And then spend a lot of time on customising it, analysing pitfalls, making it work so that I can start writing business logic for the work. So, I started POC-ing FAB Builder so that I get a trailered project targetted to my requirements and on which I can start writing business logic within few mins. This makes my life easy and my clients get a better quality products which are easy to modify and easy to maintain.