#### Generate API Key, Goto Settings > API keys ![](https://storage-for-tutors.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/helpdesk/tenant/651456610067eba9d6188aac/content/image/sg_keys.png) #### **Restricted** Key can be generated with "**Full Access**" to "**Mail Send**"\\ ![](https://storage-for-tutors.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/helpdesk/tenant/651456610067eba9d6188aac/content/image/sg_permissionskeys.png) #### Copy the generated key **Now create Dynamic Templates for the 3 basic email types** * Invitation * E-Mail Verification * Forgot Password ![](https://storage-for-tutors.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/helpdesk/tenant/651456610067eba9d6188aac/content/image/sg_dynamic%20templates.png) #### For Local, Update the Template ID's in .env file #### For Server, Add Environment Variables as ```js SENDGRID_EMAIL_FROM = "no-reply@baryonventures.com" SENDGRID_KEY = "SG.bc7c5WYzQ6OxLuC0mtk8sA.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXyhIkjxVMO9uMJsWOkNgE0" SENDGRID_TEMPLATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_VERIFICATION = "d-e3e06979b26d44XXXXXXXXXXXea42a" SENDGRID_TEMPLATE_INVITATION = "d-485b1XXXXXXXXXXXXX6ed2c69e6ab1" SENDGRID_TEMPLATE_PASSWORD_RESET = "d-57f6eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7cf11c25b" ```

Ishaan Puniani

-Written by

I love finding patterns and concluding insights out of it. After working as Employee, a Consultant, a Freelancer I figured out mostly we start our project or a module or microservice either by copying an existing code or base repositories from GitHub lets say. And then spend a lot of time on customising it, analysing pitfalls, making it work so that I can start writing business logic for the work. So, I started POC-ing FAB Builder so that I get a trailered project targetted to my requirements and on which I can start writing business logic within few mins. This makes my life easy and my clients get a better quality products which are easy to modify and easy to maintain.