**1.** Create an account on GitHub with company provided email
**2.** Open git bash or terminal
The best option to use git bash is to use the terminal provided in VS code
Execute the following command with your email (form which you have signed up)
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your\_email@coderower.com"
Use the predefined settings, and continue until it gets completed

**3.** Now copy the public key generated
cat /c/Users/garim/.ssh/id\_ed25519.pub
**4.** Go to GitHub > Settings > SSH and GPG Keys
**Add a New SSH key**

Put "CodeRower Account" in the title
Paste the public key copied above in the key section

**-- And it's done.**
Go to the project repository and clone the repo using ssh link, you can find it here

Setup GitHub Access Using SSH | FAB Builder Guide

Ishaan Puniani
Sep 28, 2023